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Delivering high-quality services at affordable prices for your satisfaction. We prioritize value without compromising on excellence.
The 5-ply automatic plant is a highly advanced manufacturing facility that specializes in the production of corrugated boards and boxes. Equipped with cutting-edge machinery, this plant ensures efficient and precise manufacturing processes. The facility includes a corrugation machine that forms the foundation of the operation, creating the characteristic waves that enhance the strength and rigidity of the boxes. Additionally, the plant features specialized machines such as the E flute and narrow flute corrugation machines, enabling the production of boards with specific wave patterns tailored to different packaging needs. The flexo machine plays a vital role in the plant, allowing for high-quality printing on the corrugated boxes with vibrant colors and intricate designs. The punching machine is used to create custom shapes and cutouts on the boxes, adding functionality and visual appeal. The stitching machine ensures secure box assembly by stitching or stapling the corrugated boards, while the semi-glue machine applies adhesive to specific areas for strong bonding. Finally, the paper cutting machine ensures precise dimensions by cutting large sheets of paperboard into smaller sizes suitable for box production. Together, these machines within the 5-ply automatic plant contribute to the efficient and reliable manufacturing of high-quality corrugated boards and boxes.
Delivering high-quality services at affordable prices for your satisfaction. We prioritize value without compromising on excellence.
We are proud of our strong client focus and long-term relationships that we enjoy with our clients. We take pride in presenting ourselves as one of India’s leading corrugated box manufacturer and exporter, to cater to all packaging needs of our valued customers.
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